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Subscriber Benefits

The Pallet Profile is more than just a market report. It is your link to the latest developments in the pallet industry and low grade lumber markets. From hot topics to prices, the Profile will help you stay informed. In this competitive market, you can't afford to be left in the dark.

Besides the email news alerts and print market report, subscribers also have access to our editorial and market research staff to discuss the latest market developments. Subscribers can call up our market analyst or editors to discuss issues covered in the publications. We routinely field calls from subscribers seeking clarification or insight. Generally, this equates to 1-2 hours of free consultation on the phone per year. There is no guarantee that we can answer your question. Each request is evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Requests for detailed analysis may require additional fees to process.

The Pallet Profile also provides a limited number of copyright clearances each year that allow subscribers to share portions of the Profile with customers. This service allows subscribers to use the Profile to answer specific customer requests for independent, third-party verification of market changes. Each request is evaluated on a case-by-case basis. In most cases, we are able to assist subscribers in meeting their needs. For copyright clearance information, call Chaille Brindley at 804-550-0323.